Yes. You read that correctly. From chef to housekeeper, innkeeper to waitress, many of the staff here at Adair Country Inn & Restaurant have made a commitment to participate in a two-month wellness program that we’re calling “10 Years Younger in 60 Days.”
It’s no secret. We all feel better when we get enough exercise, eat healthy foods and find some quiet time each day for ourselves. At Adair, we value our employees. That’s why we’ve designed a special program of diet, exercise, stress management and healthy choices to help each participant look “10 Years Younger in 60 Days.” The program will leave us feeling fit, healthy, and energized, and it’s our intention that our successes will inspire us to continue following many components of the program once it is finished.
To kick off the program that runs through December and January, we wanted a challenging and fun event that would get everyone excited and motivated to make changes in their lives that will result in healthier life-styles. Rock climbing seemed just the thing to get our juices going! On Tuesday, November 29, we’re going to learn rock climbing on the indoor climbing wall at the White Mountain School! Some of us are excited, some of us are fearful of leaving the ground, but each of us has made the commitment to try this new experience as we take charge of our health and fitness.
Following our kick-off, we’ll meet weekly for a weigh-in, blood pressure check and a short program to inspire, motivate and educate us to exchange our old habits for healthy new ones – our program menu might include nutrition tips, managing stress, revitalizing yoga, eating heart healthy, and exercising options during the cold weather months. Before and after photos will be a visible reminder of our successes, as will the individual notebooks that we’ll keep to record our personal goals and keep track of our progress.
Innkeeper Ilja has been lining up sponsors – local businesses that are providing incentives for us to eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, sleep better, manage stress, and take care of our health through regular dental care and a medical check. In return, sponsors will receive the gift of Adair; depending on the type of support, Adair can offer a gift certificate to our restaurant that can be given to one of your employees; arrange a cocktail party at Adair for your team; or even provide a romantic getaway at Adair Country Inn & Restaurant for you or one of your staff.
Throughout the program, we’ll be posting our progress to Facebook and blogging here about our challenges and successes. By the time we’re finished, we expect to look and feel 10 years younger and to be firmly committed to our own healthy living. We also want our experience to inspire other businesses to jump on board and take their own pledge to be “10 Years Younger in 60 Days.” We know we are better able to serve our customers when we are rested, exercise regularly and eat nutritious food, and that other businesses share this philosophy of healthy and happy employees providing superior customer service. Any business that would like to participate as a sponsor or who would like information about starting a program of their own, can contact Ilja at 603-444-2600.
In health,
Ilja and Brad Chapman, Innkeepers